Huh, Labor day. Who knew? I have been busy creating and cleaning and cutting toxic people out of my life. Ya know it's a special kind of struggle with toxic family, you don't want to do it because they are family and I was struggling with so much guilt for so long it was really weighing me down but today, I feel better. Bout time. Something other single parents can relate to you kind of feel like you got the whole world on your shoulders and these amazing little people are counting on you for absolutely everything day in and day out and then when you have no support from your family or friends on top of that things can get kind of overwhelming. Thankfully I do have an amazing community of (mostly) online friends who do support me and stick by me no matter what and it has made all the difference in the world. Anyhow's. . . here's some of my new creations I hope you enjoy .. .
Up first I have my Ombre chevron scarf yes boys and girls I have joined the trendy train and sold out and am giving my all to give these trendy hipster kids the kind's of products they crave. Hopefully it will do the trick. The more products you have on there the more chances you have for someone to see your stuff and want it so let's stock this store!
Next up I have my blue ombre chevron infinity scarf now I know I have been living under a rock because till I started selling on Etsy I had no idea what an infinity scarf even was. What an amazing idea! I never really wear scarf's because I never really knew how to tie them and they'd always be falling off or otherwise a pain in my butt because accessorizing has never been my strong suit but this scarf is amazing. It never falls off. It always looks perfect. And you can double it up for extra warmth if your going out in the blustering cold. Sweet!! My first ever infinity scarf and I think it's quite good. I hope you do too.
Lastly we have my very first attempt at a beret. Not bad for a first try right? I had a purple beret a long long time ago in a land far far away and I loved that thing but ya know what, I never could remember to wear the darn thing so it too went by the way side. These days kids are wearing these things in school, on dates, just because. It's made with acrylic yarn so it is actually warm and the creme color goes with pretty much everything. I know my little fake head is kinda scary but it was free so I don't look a free fake head in the mouth. . . or broken nose for that matter .. . maybe someday I'll invest in a good looking head but for now it will have to do.
So there's my 3 new inventions. My shop is a little less bare. I did get a special order that I'm working on now and that's kinda awesome with it's own new challenges. It's just not enough for me to follow a pattern. I'm an artist! Got to make my own way and all that noise and challenge myself and do new and exciting things. Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed the show.
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