Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Finally finished!

Yay!  I finally finished the never ending project that took about a month!  I'm sure you're all just dying to see it so here it is:
Honestly it looks much better on a real live person but being as I'm just me I can't very well take pictures of it on someone because I suck at selfies.  The majority of it is done in Ivy green and then the stripes on the arms are in mint, gray and brown.  The sides are done up in chains to let your under layer show threw and adds to the style. Here's a close up of the shoulder
area so you can see the detailing on the waves.  It really is a very nice sweater, worth all the time and torment.  Not sure if I'll make another one though so if you like this, it's a size small/medium you can find more information on it right here this chenille is really nice stuff it's soft and warm without being overbearing and not in the slightest bit itchy at all. 

Here's a better look at the sleeves they are long and are a total of 8 rows of waves on top and the bottom is the same ivy green as the rest of the sweater. 
Here is the back and you can of course wear the front for the back or vice versa depending on what you prefer.  I was going to do a big blog post about all my new stuff because I do have a few new things up but then I got lazy and decided, why not give this bad boy it's own post.  Thank you so much for stopping by!  Until next time take care. 

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