Thursday, December 26, 2013

So this is Christmas!

How was your Christmas?  I hope it was as lovely as mine was.  For the first time ever I had a little Christmas rush at the store, had 5 whole sales in one month!  That's a new record.  Also got not one but two amazing presents from Santa, one being a new computer that I'm writing on right this second and the second being a printer.  Oh joy!  Oh lovely joy!  Not only can I print out coupons witch will save me tons and tons of money I can also now print out shipping labels and postage all from the comfort and joy of my own home.  No more will I have to drag the kids to the post office in cold, wet, raining, snowing weather I can just package and ship from my mailbox.  How great is that??? 

The kids got spoiled from my family and have more toys than they know what to do with.  They also got some clothes witch helps me I will no longer have to do laundry every other day however I probably will anyways from force of habit.  A's medicine is working and he's back to his happy go lucky self aside from the part where he has to actually TAKE the medicine.  Got the kids hair cuts today with magical Christmas money and took them out to eat.  We haven't gone out in forever.  It was nice. 

Got to see my baby sister get engaged after the family opening of Christmas presents.  I'm glad she's happy and that I got to see it.  She wants my daughter to be flower girl and my kid's already all upset about it because she doesn't want to wear a dress.  Yeah that figures my one and only daughter is a total tom boy.  I think it might have something to do with her having 2 brothers.  I got asked to be a flower girl once.  My parents said no because it costs money.  Oh well. 

I posted some new items! 
First up is my Valentines day heart infinity scarf.  It's made from bubblegum pink acrylic yarn and has tons of cute little crochet hearts all over it.  Pretty sweet yeah?

 Next up is this neon magenta, purple and blue beanie hat.  I made one of these for my daughter for Christmas and it was just so freaking cool I had to make one for the store too.  Very trendy hot hot hot colors.  The little poof comes off too if you don't like it.
Last up is this sweet Electric magenta newsboy cap I went and saw the next color of the year and then went out and got a color that's most similar to it and made a sweet trendy newsboy cap out of it.  In real life the color is a bit more purplish and dark, for some reason in my photo's it keeps coming out a neon pink it's not really this bright. 
Well there ya have it.  I hope you had a Merry Christmas, and if not why  not treat yourself to something from Crochet by Mel?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Today is free shipping day!  My store along with many many other etsy stores and big box stores are offering free shipping today on all orders.  Delivery by Christmas Eve.  My heart is beating a million times a minute.  My adrenaline is pumping.  ANYTHING could happen.  But it probably wont.  If anything at least I'm getting a lot of views out of the deal.  Maybe some new eyes will see my stuff and snag it.  Maybe not.  But its worth a shot.  Just so you know if your looking for last minute gifts and want to avoid the malls and going out in this crappy cold snowy weather just visit there's bound to be something for everyone there and you don't even have to shell out the money for shipping!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What's wrong with me.

I have a heart problem.  Being a single mom I have gotten so accustomed to the whole idea of "If I don't do it, it's not going to get done."  I have become so self reliant that it's just so hard to ask for help.  I have a friend I just talked to and she said that I should pray every morning to commit my day to God and ask him for strength to get me threw the day and to keep from sinning.  So I tried that today and I realized my problem. 

Anyone remember the story about Jesus where the guy came up to him and told him how he's always kept the 10 commandments and never broke any laws and blah blah I'm a good person Jesus will I get into Heaven?  And then Jesus said he had to go and sell all his things and follow him?  And then the guy walked away all sad because he loved all his things and didn't want to give them up?  Yeah.  That's my problem right now it's not so much the material things because we all know I don't have much in the way of that but it's those crutches.  I found myself feeling like I don't want to give up my whole day to God.  Those little pet sins we all have who really wants to give them up?  What's a life worth living if you can't do what you want and enjoy it? 

Well you know what they say, the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem.  If you pray please pray for me that I can give up my little 5% of my life that I want to keep so that I can lay everything down and follow him.  It's so hard, and it really shouldn't be.  I'm convinced this is why so few actually make it to heaven because people are born selfish and no matter how much they want to do right it's just so hard to do the right thing.  So that's what's wrong with me right now.  What's wron with you?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Finally finished!

Yay!  I finally finished the never ending project that took about a month!  I'm sure you're all just dying to see it so here it is:
Honestly it looks much better on a real live person but being as I'm just me I can't very well take pictures of it on someone because I suck at selfies.  The majority of it is done in Ivy green and then the stripes on the arms are in mint, gray and brown.  The sides are done up in chains to let your under layer show threw and adds to the style. Here's a close up of the shoulder
area so you can see the detailing on the waves.  It really is a very nice sweater, worth all the time and torment.  Not sure if I'll make another one though so if you like this, it's a size small/medium you can find more information on it right here this chenille is really nice stuff it's soft and warm without being overbearing and not in the slightest bit itchy at all. 

Here's a better look at the sleeves they are long and are a total of 8 rows of waves on top and the bottom is the same ivy green as the rest of the sweater. 
Here is the back and you can of course wear the front for the back or vice versa depending on what you prefer.  I was going to do a big blog post about all my new stuff because I do have a few new things up but then I got lazy and decided, why not give this bad boy it's own post.  Thank you so much for stopping by!  Until next time take care.