Enough already. Many states have had it worse than us but I just have to say, Why???? No one around here shovels their snow so kids are walking in the street to get to the bus stops. Well I guess they would be if they were waiting for the bus. I tried waiting for the bus today because my car won't start. We waited for about 10 minutes before I said forget this she just isn't going to school today. It's -2 with the wind chill and there's a wind chill advisory yet they don't close the school why???? I guess because they already called it off too many times. My boys are 4, I can't leave them home alone while I go wait for the bus with my daughter. Even with hats, coats, mittens and scarves after 10 minutes they were screaming in PAIN because it is so cold out. There's about 2 to 3 feet of snow on all the sidewalks so you can't walk on the sidewalks. I get that kids need to go to school but some of the kids around here don't even have coats, lucky the few I've seen without them their parents drive them to school so they are only out there for a minute from the car to the school but still. It's not right.
I think parents need to rise up and say NO. If its too cold out to wait for the bus than its too cold out to have school. If everyone I've talked to that has agreed with me would just keep their kids home eventually the schools would have to listen. They get money for every student that shows up every day. I realize that many have jobs and hate when it's a snow day because they are left scrambling to find a sitter so they can get to work but what's more important, our children's well being or keeping a job? These are the choices parents are faced with every day. With the outrageous cost of daycare a lot of these second incomes are only going to pay the daycare bill and your left with what at the end of your paycheck? 50 bucks? Quit your jobs. Take care of your kids. I have friends who have -26 temps and they are still taking their kids to school this is INSANITY people. We as parents need to say enough is enough! This is not okay. I say until winter can behave herself and keep the temps above freezing with the wind chill they should just close school. If there's anyone local who needs a sitter on snow day's I'd be more than happy to help you out I'm here anyways. I'd love to hear your thoughts! Please leave a comment!
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